凯特·阿特金森(Kate Atkinson),英国当代女作家,1951年生于约克,1974年获得邓迪大学文学硕士学位,毕业后曾做过家务工、秘书、教师等工作,现居爱丁堡。1995年,阿特金森发表长篇小说处女作《博物馆的幕后》(Behind the Scenes at the Museum),获得英国惠特布莱德图书奖,此后又相继出版了小说《真人槌球》(Human Croquet)、《怪诞的情感》(Emotionally Weird)以及短篇小说集《世界末日还没到》(Not the End of the World)。2004年开始,她的侦探小说系列《尘封旧案》(Case Histories)、《善意恶行》(One Good Turn)、《何时会有好消息?》(When Will There Be Good News? )和《带着小狗,早早出发》(Started Early, Took My Dog)相继出版。其中《何时会有好消息?》获得英国国家图书奖,《尘封旧案》则由BBC改编成热门剧集。2013年,阿特金森的长篇小说《生命不息》(Life After Life)问世,受到评论界和读者的赞誉,并获得南岸天空艺术奖、科斯塔图书奖等。2014年,《生命不息》的姐妹篇《生命不息·归来》(A God in Ruins)出版。阿特金森的小说充满睿智的思考和对人类情感的深切体验,文笔娴熟有力,人物刻画和心理描写尤为动人。

Excerpts1)December 30, 1930URSULA KNEW ALL about Eva. She knew how much she liked fashion and make-up and gossip. She knew that she could skate and ski and loved to dance. And so Ursula lingered over the expensive frocks2) in Oberpollinger3) with her before visiting a café for coffee and cake, or an ice-cream in the Englischer Garten4) where they would sit and watch the children on the carousel5). She went to the skating rink with Eva and her sister Gretl. She was invited to dinner at the Brauns’ table. “Your English friend is very nice,” Frau Braun told Eva.Eva loved to be photographed and Ursula took many, many photographs of her on her box Brownie and then they spent their evenings sticking them in albums and admiring the different poses that Eva had struck. “You should be in films,” Ursula told Eva and she was ridiculously flattered. Ursula had mugged up6) on celebrities, Hollywood and British as well as German, on the latest songs and dances. She was an older woman, interested in a fledgling7). She took Eva under her wing and Eva was bowled over by her new sophisticated friend.Ursula knew, too, of Eva’s infatuation for her “older man” whom she made sheep’s eyes at8), whom she trailed around after, sitting in restaurants and cafés, forgotten in a corner while he conducted endless conversations about politics. Eva started to take her along to these gatherings—Ursula was her best friend, after all. All Eva wanted was to be close to Hitler. And that was all Ursula wanted too.And Ursula knew about Berg9) and bunker. And really she was doing this frivolous10) girl a great favour by inserting herself in her life. Ursula knew, too, of Eva’s infatuation for her.And so, just as they had got used to Eva hanging around so they became accustomed to seeing her little English friend as well. Ursula was pleasant, she was a girl, she was nobody. She became so familiar that no one was surprised when she would turn up on her own andsimper11) with admiration at the would-be great man. He took adoration casually. To have so little self-doubt, she thought, what a thing that must be.But, ye gods, it was boring. So much hot air rising above the tables in Café Heck or the Osteria Bavaria, like smoke from the ovens. It was difficult to believe from this perspective that Hitler was going to lay waste to the world in a few years’ time.It was colder than usual for this time of year. Last night a light dusting of snow, like the icing sugar on Mrs Glover12)’s mince pies, had sifted over Munich. There was a big Christmas tree on the Marienplatz13) and the lovely smell of pine needles and roasting chestnuts everywhere.The frosty air was invigorating and she walked towards the café with a wonderful purpose in her step, looking forward to a cup of Schokolade, hot and thick with cream.Inside, the café was smoky and rather disagreeable after the sparklingly cold outdoors. The women were in furs and Ursula rather wished that she could have brought Sylvie14)’s mink with her. Her mother never wore it and it was left permanently mothballed in her wardrobe these days.He was at a table at the far end of the room, surrounded by the usual disciples. They were an ugly lot, she thought, and laughed to herself.“Ah. Unsere Englische Freundin15),” he said when he caught sight of her. “Guten Tag, gn?diges Fr?ulein16).” With the slightest flick of a finger he ousted a callow-lookingacolyte17) from the chair opposite and she sat down. He seemed irritable.Es schneit, she said. “It’s snowing.” He glanced out of the window as if he hadn’t noticed the weather. He was eating Palatschinken18). They looked good but when the waiter came bustling over she ordered Schwarzw?lder Kirschtorte19) to eat with her hot chocolate. It was delicious.“Entschuldigung20),” she murmured, reaching down into her bag and delving for a handkerchief. Lace corners, monogrammed with Ursula’s initials, “UBT,” Ursula Beresford Todd, a birthday present from Pammy21). She dabbed politely at the crumbs on her lips and then bent down again to put the handkerchief back in her bag and retrieve the weighty object nesting there. Her father’s old service revolver from the Great War, a Webley Mark V. She made fast her heroine heart. “Wacht auf 22),” Ursula said quietly. The words attracted theFührer23)’s attention and she said, “Es nahet gen dem Tag24).”A move rehearsed a hundred times. One shot. Swiftness was all, yet there was a moment, a bubble suspended in time after she had drawn the gun and levelled it at his heart when everything seemed to stop.“Führer,” she said, breaking the spell. “Für Sie25).”Around the table guns were jerked from holsters26) and pointed at her. One breath. One shot.Ursula pulled the trigger.Darkness fell.

1.选自小说第四部分的“做个勇敢的人”(Be Ye Men of Valour) 小节,讲述的是主人公厄苏拉(Ursula)前往德国接近希特勒的情人伊娃·布劳恩(Eva Braun)并刺杀希特勒的过程。本节选略有删节。2.frock [fr?k] n. 女式礼服;连衣裙3.Oberpollinger:奥伯林格百货商厦,欧洲最大的百货公司之一,位于慕尼黑。4.Englischer Garten:德语,指慕尼黑的英国公园。5.carousel [?k?r??sel] n. 旋转木马6.mug up:〈英〉临时用功,突击学习7.fledgling [?fled?l??] n. 刚长羽毛的小鸟8.make sheep’s eyes at (sb.):用充满爱意的眼神看(某人),向(某人)送秋波9.Berg: 伯格霍夫(Berghof),意为山间别墅,又叫元首山庄,是希特勒的度假别墅,位于巴伐利亚。10.frivolous [?fr?v?l?s] adj. 草率的,不认真的11.simper [?s?mp?(r)] vi. 假笑;傻笑12.Mrs Glover:厄苏拉家里的女仆格洛弗太太13.the Marienplatz:玛利亚广场,慕尼黑的市中心广场14.Sylvie:厄苏拉的母亲希尔维15.Ah. Unsere Englische Freundin:德语,意为“啊,我们的英国小姐”。16.Guten Tag, gn?diges Fr?ulein:德语,意为“你好,亲爱的女士”。17.acolyte [??k?la?t] n. 侍从;助手;追随者18.Palatschinken:德语,意为“可丽饼”。19.Schwarzw?lder Kirschtorte:德语,意为“黑森林蛋糕”。20.Entschuldigung:德语,意为“不好意思”。21.Pammy:帕米,厄苏拉的姐姐22.Wacht auf:德语,意为“醒来吧”。23.Führer:德语,意为“元首”(纳粹统治时期对希特勒的称呼)。24.Es nahet gen dem Tag:德语,意为“曙光即将来临”。25.Für Sie:德语,意为“给你”。26.holster [?h??lst?(r)] n. (系在皮带等上的)手枪皮套