Let’s face it, Taobao rules! Apart from Meituan, one of the things I miss most about China is Taobao. Amazon is pretty good but lacks the crazy niche items and unbeatable prices that Taobao and Tmall offer. I’ve been guilty of wasting entire weekends, binge watching the latest knockoff DVD series, ordering enough food for a family of five on Meituan, and deciding that buying a set of purple contact lenses on Taobao at 3:00 A.M. was completely reasonable.

A couple months ago, Taobao Life launched a new feature that allows users to view how much money they’ve spent on purchases and it’s been eye-opening, to say the least. Users have been taking to Weibo to bemoan their spending habits, with one poster stating, “As soon as I saw the number, I wanted to cry! What have I done?”

As soon as I discovered this feature, I was torn between wanting to find out how much money I’d wasted on shoddily made clothing over the years and wanting to stay in blissful ignorance. In the end, curiosity won out and I followed the instructions on how to find that incriminating number. I did this on my phone so if you’re doing it on a computer, it might look slightly different, although the Chinese characters should be the same.
First, I went to the home page and clicked on the bottom right hand icon labeled 我的淘宝 (My Taobao). (On a computer, the characters are at the top right hand side)

That takes you to this page. The instructions said to look for an avatar icon on the top right but my Taobao didn’t have it. I had to click on the little orange cartoon face to get to the next page.

Next, you’re brought to a page with what I guess is your Taobao avatar. If it’s the first time you’re doing this, it may have pop-ups asking if you’re male or female and trying to get other info. I just skipped all of those steps. Click on the 成就 (Achievement) icon.

Now you’ve arrived at the moment of truth. I have to admit, I let out a squeal when I saw how much I’d spent in my 1711 days on Taobao: (the first circled number) 96,000 RMB over my 2007 purchases (the second and third circled numbers). To be fair, I’d purchased a lot of teaching materials over the years but still… I was gobsmacked by seeing the actual number staring me in the face.

Still, it could have been worse. At least I wasn’t one of these guys.

Image: thebeijinger.com
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