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The 8th GFSI China Focus Day was successfully held in Chengdu!

阅读量:3660031 2019-10-22

On October 16, 2019, the 8th "Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) China Focus Day" with the theme of "Better Lives Through Better Food Safety" was successfully held in Chengdu. This is also the first time that event had been held in city outside Beijing and Shanghai. The event invited more than 450 experts, companies and government representatives from nearly 10 countries to participate. It was also the first time that GFSI global board and GFSI global technical working group meeting were held in China to discuss food safety standards and exchange management experience.
The morning plenary session was hosted by Peter Freedman, Managing Director, the Consumer Goods Forum. Pingjiang WANG, Deputy Mayor, Sichuan City, Chengdu Province, Weijun LIU, Director General of Certification Supervision and Management Department, State Administration for Market Regulation, Hongqian WANG, Secondary Inspector of International office, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the PR.China, Yonghao LIU, Chairman of New Hope Group and Zaotian WAN, VP COFCO Corporation & GFSI Board Member respectively delivered a speech on behalf of the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF), the host, the regulatory authorities, the corporate representative, and the GFSI Global Board of Directors.
Peter Freedman, Managing Director, the Consumer Goods Forum
Pingjiang WANG, Deputy Mayor, Sichuan City, Chengdu Province
Weijun LIU, Director General of Certification Supervision and Management Department, State Administration for Market Regulation
Hongqian WANG, Secondary Inspector of International office, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the PR.China
Yonghao LIU, Chairman of New Hope Group
Zaotian WAN, VP COFCO Corporation & GFSI Board Member
Later during the event, GFSI was delighted to announce the acknowledgement of China HACCP, a certification standard owned and maintained by CNCA, against Version 7 of the GFSI Technical Equivalence requirements. This comes as an important first step in this renewed collaboration supporting the GFSI vision of safe food for consumers everywhere.
The acknowledgement of China HACCP is a continuation of the first acknowledgement four years ago. It is also a testimony to the rapid development of China's quality in recent years, and provides more opportunities for Chinese companies to develop at home and abroad. 
Witness Guests:
Hongqian WANG, Secondary Inspector of International office, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the PR.China
Shaoping GU, Deputy Director, Food Production Department of State Administration for Market Regulation & GFSI China LG Honorable Expert
Xiubin YANG, Director of Agricultural and Rural Affairs Department of Sichuan City
Penglong WAN, Director of Sichuan Market Supervision Bureau
Pingjiang WANG, Deputy Mayor, Sichuan City, Chengdu Province
Xiaoqun HE, Director, Food and Agricultural Product Certification and Supervision Department of State Administration for Market Regulation
Peter Freedman, Managing Director, the Consumer Goods Forum
Gillian Kelleher, Vice President of Food Safety & Quality Assurance, WEGMANS FOOD MARKETS, INC & GFSI Board Member
Zaotian WAN, VP COFCO Corporation & GFSI Board Member
Angela LIU, Chairlady of New Hope Liuhe, China & GFSI Board Member
Wenyi CHE, Chief Advisor of GFSI China Local Group
Junshi CHEN, Chief Adviser of CFSA (China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment) & GFSI China LG  Honorable Advisor
After the signing ceremony, Mike Robach, Chairman of the GFSI Board of Directors, Wenyi CHE, Chief Advisor of GFSI China Local Group and Junshi CHEN, Chief Adviser of CFSA (China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment) & GFSI China LG Honorable Advisor respectively proposed new ideas for food safety development in the world and China. 
Mike Robach, Chairman of the GFSI Board of Directors
Wenyi CHE, Chief Advisor of GFSI China Local Group
Junshi CHEN, Chief Adviser of CFSA (China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment) & GFSI China LG  Honorable Advisor
In the morning of the plenary session, GFSI Board Panel and GFSI-Recognised CPOs Panel were also held. The leaders of enterprises and CPO experts from all over the world presented a wonderful interaction of views.
GFSI Board Panel Discussion
Moderator:Mike Robach, Chairman of the GFSI Board of Directors
Monique Pellegrino, Vice President Chief Food Safety Officer, Danone, France & GFSI Board Member
Craig Wilson, Vice President, General Merchandising Manager of Quality Assurance/ Food Safety, Non-Foods Quality Assurance, Environmental Services/Haz Mat and Merchandise Services for Costco Wholesale Corporation & GFSI Board Member
Roy Kirby, Director, Global Food Safety, Mondelēz International & GFSI Board Member
Sara Mortimore, Vice President Food Safety Compliance, Walmart & GFSI Board Member
GFSI-Recognised CPOs Panel
Moderator:Marie-Claude Quentin, GFSI Senior Technical Manager, The Consumer Goods Forum
Dan Lee, Standards Coordinator and Program Integrity Advisor, Global Aquaculture Alliance
Leann Chuboff, Vice President, Technical Affairs, SQFI 
Aldin hilbrands, Technical Director, FSSC22000
Shunichi Matsui, President, Japan GAP Foundation  
Anthony LIANG, Regional Head, Great China, BRCGS
Xin ZHOU, China Representative, GlobalGAP
The afternoon plenary session was divided into four breakouts: "Collaboration and Regulatory Affairs", "E-Commerce Food Safety Innovation", "Capability Building in Food Safety" and "Certification Programmes Harmonization & Implementation". Four breakouts have gathered a large number of experts and scholars to make a wonderful sharing for everyone, and received enthusiastic response from the participants.
Capability Building in Food Safety
The moderator was Heidi YAO, QA Director Pepsico China Region & GFSI China Local Group Steering Committee Vice Chair.
This breakout speakers were:
Chuanwu XIONG, China Representative, IFS & GFSI China LG Capability Building Task Force Leader
Yunling ZHEN, Regional Quality Director ASPAC, Cargill Investments (China) Ltd. & GFSI China Local Group  Steering Committee Vice-Chair
Anne Gerardi, GFSI Senior Manager, The Consumer Goods Forum
Panen SI, Assistant General Manager of Shanghai Mcvolf Food Co., Ltd.
Ukey LIU, Manager, Supply QA Product Innovation/Food Safety & Quality, Starbucks China
Bessie WU, QA Director, Supplier Quality Management, Starbucks China
Jun TAO, Auchan China Quality Director & GFSI China Local Group Steering Committee Vice-Chair
Jin YUE, Deputy Director, Bor S. Luh Food Safety Research Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Jing REN, National Quality & Food Safety Director, Carrefour China & GFSI China Local Group Steering Committee  Vice-Chair
Peter PAN, Assistant of President, RT-Mart & GFSI China Local Group Steering Committee Vice-Chair
Hongrong WANG, GM, Dalian Hanwei Food Co., Ltd.
Collaboration and Regulatory Affairs
The moderator was Jie XU, Food Safety Director, Danone China & GFSI China LG Steering Committee Vice Chair.
This breakout speakers were:
Yongning WU, Chief Scientist, China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment
Wendy GAO, Director of North Asia Regional Regulatory Affairs, Cargill& GFSI China LG Collaboration and  Regulatory Affairs Task Force Leader
Chenny FENG, Senior Manager, Food Supply and Integrity Services, PwC China & GFSI China LG Collaboration  and Regulatory Affairs Task Force Deputy Leader
Steven YU, Regulatory Affairs Director, Greater China Ecolab
Zhinong YAN, Executive Director, Walmart Food Safety Collaboration Center & GFSI China LG Steering Committee  Vice Chair
Zhao Xin, Senior Marketing Expert, Alibaba Group Traceablity Code
Yu LI, Chief Technology Officer, The China National Food Industry Association (CNFIA)
Juanjuan SUN,“Sam Walton” Food Safety Law Researcher of Center for Coordination and Innovation of Food  Safety Governance in Renmin University
Xuefeng DI, Nestle’s head of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs of the Greater China Region
Certification Programmes Harmonization & Implementation
The moderators were Richard WANG, Vice President of Food Safety Department, McDonald’s (China) & GFSI China Local Group Steering Committee Vice-Chair and Yunling ZHENG, Regional Quality Director ASPAC, Cargill Investments (China) Ltd. & GFSI China Local Group Steering Committee Vice Chair.
This breakout speakers were:
Allen LI, Technical Manager, Food, Intertek China & GFSI China LG Certification Programmes Harmonization &  Implementation Task Force Deputy Leader
Minjie SUN, Food Ph. D / Senior Engineer,Certification and Accreditation Technology Research Center of State  Administration of Market Regulation(CCAI)
Jason HUANG, Food Safety Manager, Bianlifeng & GFSI China Local Group Certification Programmes  Harmonization & Implementation Task Force Deputy Leader
Aihong CAI, Auditing Service Director, China, Merieux NutriScience China & GFSI China Local Group Certification  Programmes Harmonization & Implementation Task Force Deputy Leader
Zhenhua WANG, Audit Operations Manager, Food and Agriculture Department, SGS-CSTC Standards Technical  Services Co., Ltd
Junjie HAN, Minister of Systems and Regulations, Junlebao Dairy Group 
David XIE, Senior Compliance Manager – Food Safety in Compliance Department, Walmart China 
Peter WANG, Co-Founder of Shanghai IQC Consulting Co., Ltd. & GFSI China Local Group Certification Programmes Harmonization & Implementation Task Force Leader
Anthony LIANG, Regional Head, Great China, BRCGS
Miao GUO, Senior Manager, Food Safety Department, PepsiCo China
E-Commerce Food Safety Innovation
The moderator was Stam YANG, VP, Food safety & Quality, Starbucks China & GFSI China Local Group Steering Committee Vice-Chair.
This breakout speakers were:
Jason LIU, Food Safety and Care Office, Vice President, Ting Hsin Internation Group Convenient Store & Chain  Restaurant Business & GFSI China Local Group Steering Committee Vice-Chair
Yi ZHU, Quality General Manager, Three Squirrels Inc.
Bin SUN, Quality Director, JD Mall
Elaine JIA, Freshippo Senior Security Operation Expert & GFSI China Local Group Steering Committee Vice-Chair
Chunqi LI, Chief Scientist of Hangzhou Huante Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Dong DING, Meituan Food Safety Policy Director
The afternoon closing Session was hosted by Junshi CHEN, Chief Adviser of CFSA (China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment) & GFSI China LG  Honorable Advisor.
Shaoping GU, Deputy Director, Food Production Department of State Administration for Market Regulation & GFSI China LG Honorable Expert, Monique Pellegrino, Vice President Chief Food Safety Officer, Danone, France & GFSI Board Member, Gillian Kelleher, Vice President of Food Safety & Quality Assurance, WEGMANS FOOD MARKETS, INC & GFSI Board Member, Nobuyuki Tsuzuki, Director, Food Industrial Corporate Affairs Office, Food Industry Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Japan, Linda ZHANG, VP, Product Innovation, Food Safety & Quality, China & Asia Pacific, Starbucks China and Longhai LIU, Chief Standard Officer, New Hope Liuhe & GFSI China Local Group Steering, respectively made wonderful speeches on the innovative leadership and capability building for future food safety.
Shaoping GU, Deputy Director, Food Production Department of State Administration for Market Regulation & GFSI China LG Honorable Expert
Monique Pellegrino, Vice President Chief Food Safety Officer, Danone, France & GFSI Board Member
Gillian Kelleher, Vice President of Food Safety & Quality Assurance, WEGMANS FOOD MARKETS, INC & GFSI Board Member
Nobuyuki Tsuzuki, Director, Food Industrial Corporate Affairs Office, Food Industry Affairs Bureau, Ministry of   Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Japan
Linda ZHANG, VP, Product Innovation, Food Safety & Quality, China & Asia Pacific, Starbucks China
Longhai LIU, Chief Standard Officer, New Hope Liuhe & GFSI China Local Group Steering
At the end of the conference, Angela LIU, Chairlady of New Hope Liuhe, China & GFSI Board Member, delivered a closing speech entitled "From Food To Beauty". As the host, she expressed her welcome to the guests attending the conference, elaborated the significance of signing the memorandum to Chinese enterprises, and together with GFSI Board Member Tom wiester, invited everyone to the 2020 Global Food Safety Initiative Conference in Seattle, USA.

The Consumer Goods Forum would like to thank the following organizations for their valued contribution to this event!
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