If our home can be anything we want it to be, are we happy with what we have created? Does it tell our story? Homes feel genuine when we focus on what’s important. We created meaningful environments when our spaces highlight what we value, elevate everyday tasks and stir our memories.
如果我们的家可以是我们想要的样子,我们对自己创造的东西满意吗?它讲述了我们的故事吗? 当我们专注于重要的事情时,家的感觉是真诚的。当我们的空间突出了我们所重视的东西,我们创造了有意义的环境,提升了每天的任务,激发了我们的记忆。

However, we need to allow space for the future too. Homes are our story in 3D form, and there needs to be room for the next chapter. When everything is resolved in one sweeping gesture, we exist only in that moment. When a level of ‘perfection’ has been attained, how can we add to it? Homes need to be fluid so they can evolve. When they are created slowly, they can breathe. Our story is a continual work in progress, and our homes should be too. 然而,我们也需要为未来留出空间。家是我们的故事的3D形式,需要有空间为下一章。当一切都以一种彻底的姿态解决时,我们只存在于那一刻。当一个“完美”的水平已经达到,我们怎么能增加它? 房子需要是流动的,这样它们才能进化。当它们慢慢被创造出来时,它们可以呼吸。我们的故事是一个不断发展的过程,我们的家也应该如此。

Our home can be one of our most expressive creations. For some of us, it’s our most creative form of art-making since childhood. Play is an important but sometimes overlooked element in our lives. However, when we engage in it we can learn about ourselves, as well as experience joy. Einstein took regular breaks from his work to play the violin, a practice he said helped stimulate new ideas. And Picasso devoted his career to creating with child-like wonder. When we engage in forms of play, such as art-making, we can express ourselves in new ways. As artist Georgia O’Keeffe said, she was able to communicate via forms and colours in ways that she couldn’t through words. Creating a home is also a powerful way to express ourselves and meet many of our needs.
我们的家可以是我们最有表现力的作品之一。对我们中的一些人来说,这是自童年以来最具创造力的艺术创作形式。玩耍是我们生活中一个重要但有时被忽视的因素。然而,当我们参与其中时,我们可以了解自己,体验快乐。爱因斯坦经常从工作中抽出时间来拉小提琴,他说这有助于激发新思想。毕加索把他的职业生涯献给了创造儿童般的奇迹。当我们从事艺术创作等形式的游戏时,我们可以用新的方式表达自己。正如艺术家Georgia O 'Keeffe所说,她能够通过形式和颜色进行交流,这是她无法通过语言表达的。创造一个家也是一种来表达我们自己和满足我们的许多需求的强大的方式。

When we create a home we should consider the former life of the building or site. When we elevate connections to the past, we enrich the story of our own place. We also feel a greater connection to our community when we create or maintain a building that’s sympathetic to its surrounds. But honouring the past doesn’t need to be at the expense of making our home comfortable or enjoying modern conveniences. We can celebrate the features that attracted us to the building, such as high ceilings, timber flooring or marble fireplaces, but within the context of what we need for contemporary living.当我们创建一个家时,我们应该考虑建筑或场地的前生活。当我们提升与过去的联系时,我们就丰富了自己所在地方的故事。当我们建造或维护一个同情周围环境的建筑时,我们也会感到与社区的联系更加紧密。但是,纪念过去并不需要以使我们的家变得舒适或享受现代化的便利为代价。我们可以赞美建筑吸引我们的特点,如高高的天花板、木地板或大理石壁炉,但我们需要在当代生活的背景下。

Objects that tell stories or evoke memories can create and enhance important emotional connections in our home. When we become interested in the layers of how something is made, it becomes a more valuable part of our lives. Learning about the maker, their process and the product’s journey can enrich our experience when we see and touch it at home. When we embrace handmade and artisanal wares, craftmanship, and vintage pieces, we connect to a human story, and weave it with our own.讲故事或唤起记忆的物品可以在我们的家里创造和加强重要的情感联系。当我们对某样东西的制作过程感兴趣时,它就会成为我们生活中更有价值的一部分。了解制造商,他们的过程和产品的旅程可以丰富我们的经验,当我们在家里看到和触摸它。当我们拥抱手工制品、手工制品、工艺和古董时,我们与人类的故事相连,并用我们自己的故事编织它。

注:近期文章皆摘自家装设计师Natale Walton编著的《THIS IS HOME》一书。
Photo by: 包子
(快看我变彩色了 >∪< 。。。